About Contacting Us:
We love to hear from people, but Alderspring Ranch is a real working ranch. We wear a lot of hats, and we’re pretty busy people. When you contact us, you’ll be actually reaching Glenn or Caryl or Kelsey, who has helped us out taking care of people for a couple of years now. What you won’t get is an outsourced customer service representative. But because we are real people, and because we actually run a ranch as well as sell you beef, we aren’t always hanging around the phone or checking our email. In other words, it may take a day or so to get back to you. But when we do get back to you, you don’t have to worry about getting passed up the management chain to someone who can actually answer a question or make a decision. You’ll be talking to Kelsey, head guy Glenn, or his sidekick Caryl (who may have to pass you up to the Head Guy, but she knows where he lives).

We used to post our phone number right here, but we had to take it off the website. The phone rings in the house, and we were getting calls at all hours of the day and night. We usually check email once or twice a day, and if you want to talk with us on the phone, just send us your phone number in an email, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
So shoot us an email (if the link doesn’t work for you, it’s simply help[at]alderspring.com). You can ask us anything! And if you are having any problems, we’ll do our best to fix them. And if we don’t get back to you in a day or two, please try us again. Sometimes we’ll have an onslaught of email, like after a story goes live about us, or we’ll be swamped with ranch work, like when there is a blizzard, and we’re a little slow in getting back to people.
And for those that want to send us something, here is an address for snail mail, which amazingly is delivered every day even in the remote Pahsimeroi: Glenn Elzinga, 7073 Custer Road, May, ID 83253.
For inquiries about press, speaking, or podcasts, please visit this page.