Welcome to Alderspring’s Weekend Newsletter. Thank you for partnering with us in what we do!

This Week’s Story: Below the Feet of a Giant
At the foot of a giant, I dug a little soil test hole a few days ago. I was in a remote stand of massive coast redwoods—one of the most northern great groves of the magnificent trees in the southern reaches of coastal Oregon. Clouds drifted through the treetops, and whitewater cascades poured over the steep and ever-verdant slopes.
High level winds caressed the feathery tops of the giants. There was only stillness on the forest floor. Occasional shafts of sunlight found their way to where we were, but those beams were few and far between.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, as Robert Frost once wrote…..
Store News
Next Shipping Date: Monday, March 3rd
We generally ship every Monday, holiday weeks excepting (see calendar). You’ll get a tracking number when we ship your order. UPS may initially show an extra day of transit time, but will correct late Monday night when orders hit the Salt Lake hub.
Next Restock Date: Wednesday, March 5th
We restock every Wednesday and send out a sale flyer on Wednesday in the early evening with the week’s deals.
Special mention:
We are now offering 100% grass fed, non-organic a la carte beef cuts. To check out the current selection click HERE!

This Week’s Reader-Only Deals
Use the code “GROUND” to get 10% off organic grass regular ground beef, organic grass fed fattier ground beef, and organic grass fed extra lean ground round!
Use the code “#2SIXTEENTH” to get 5% off #2: grass fed (not certified organic) sixteenths with shoulder tender, flat iron, and sirloin steaks.
To access these sale items, and for more deals and products, you can click the button below!
Ranch News

Last week Josh and Rose worked on building a new paddock for the herd down near the river bottom. They implemented a couple different measures to protect the sensitive river bottom riparian habitat that the cattle would be grazing next to. First, they ran a double strand of hotwire along the river bottom to provide extra protection in keeping the cows within their paddock and out of riparian habitat. Next they set up tanks within the paddock with water pumped from the river for the cows to water from.

With their paddock ready it was time to move the herd. In the summer we often do this on horse-back, but winter affords us the wonderful convenience of moving the herd via feed truck. Load a bale of hay in the back, drive slowly towards where you want to go, and the herd obligingly follows.

Everyone streaming in the right direction. Our goal in a cattle move is always a calm, low stress experience for all involved. We usually send someone ahead to block any alternative paths the cows might divert onto (such as the four-wheeler on the left blocking the driveway down to the house).

Almost there!

Everyone settled in with fresh hay and winter stockpile grass in their new paddock.

This week Scott and Aaron tackled the task of pulling the main pump and turbines at the Tendoy ranch so we could send the turbines in for repairs before irrigation season is upon us. Here they are discussing their plan of action. Photo credit Rebecca Rains.

Aaron put his considerable engineering skills to work and built a hoist on the back of his flatbed for this project. Photo credit Rebecca Rains.

Scott using a voltmeter to check that all the electrical components of the pump where fully disconnected and carried no charge. Photo credit Rebecca Rains.

Lifting the approximately 1200 lb. pump 4 feet in the air and loading it safely onto the truck included some tense moments, but they got the job done! Photo credit Rebecca Rains.

The pump shaft and turbines came next. Considerably lighter than the pump, they pulled and loaded it without issue. Now it’s off the the repair shop! Photo credit Aaron Littleton.
Your purchase supports our regenerative work. For more information go to https://www.alderspring.com/regenerative/.

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