Close Encounters on the Salmon River; Ribeyes, Fatty Ground Beef, Rump Roasts
Dear Friends and Partners,
Welcome to Alderspring’s weekend edition newsletter!
In this letter is Glenn’s weekly story, a suite of pics about work on the ranch this week, and an update on this week’s featured cuts!
Want to follow along more day-to-day? Find us on Instagram and Facebook.
And, as always, if you have any questions, observations, or comments, just shoot us an email to Kelsey at help[at]alderspring[dot]com.
Next shipping day is January 31!
Place your order by Sunday at midnight on the 30th to get it shipped on the 31st!
Looking for this week’s featured cuts? Head to the page below. Scroll on down for Glenn’s story and other newsletter stuff!
This week’s deals include ALL ribeyes, fatty ground beef, and rump roasts!

Here’s Linnaea this week out fixing some electric fence (complete with reel of hotwire). We have an electric fence “buffer” all the way around the inside of the perimeter fence of the ranch. This is actually in part because of our requirements for organic, where we’re required to have a buffer along areas like roads. But that electric fence tends to fall into disrepair under the force of winter! This week, Annie and Linnaea split up on horseback with some electric fence supplies to ride the perimeter and make any repairs needed.

Annie, smiling at a job well done once she and Linnaea met up after coming full circle. The riverbottom area across the wooden fence beside her doesn’t require a large buffer like the spots along the roadway do, but we keep the electric fence here anyway as an added deterrent for any escape artist cattle!
Quote of the Week
“To be interested in food but not in food production is clearly absurd.”
―Wendell Berry

This Week’s Story From the Ranch: Close Encounters of tHE Salmon River Kind
For this week’s story, we’re sending a reprint. It’s because this one is so very relevant to us at this time of year. You see, it’s fairly chill right now in the Salmon River Country, and nighttime temps often hover around 10 to 20 below zero. The stars shine brilliantly, distant superheated suns, ironically giving no warmth.
And that Salmon River road, which we drive so often, between the ranch and our nearest towns becomes seriously sketch on many of those nights. Clouds of fog roll up from the warmer-than air flowing waters, and condense in ice rime on road and rocks.
We love the river. But it demands respect. Some of us have to drive it every day, and when we do, we learn the ways of water…and ice.

Featured Weekly Cuts
A quick summary of this week’s featured cuts:
(As always, only you newsletter readers have access to these discounts)
First, the secret info just for you newsletter readers (we don’t update anyone else on restockings on these…)
This week (until January 24th at midnight MST) you can get 10% off on the following cuts:
- Weekend flash sale on Stew Beef (not just good in stews…this makes a great stir fry)!
- All Ribeyes 10% off!
- That beautiful pasture fat ground beef!
- Rump roasts to warm you up this winter!
Lamb & Pork still in too!
3Fs also in stock!

Here’s Annie, leading the mare Goldie to a new pasture. Annie simply pulled off her silk scarf and slipped it around Goldie’s neck as a makeshift leadrope, and Goldie, sweet-tempered mare that she is, is following without hesitation. Goldie slipped and fell several winters back, permanently injuring her hip. She’s no longer rideable, but she can still get around well and is in good health despite her injury. We bred her to a neighbor’s stud last spring and are hoping she’ll have a nice, equally sweet-tempered little colt soon!
And that’s it for this week!
Thanks again for partnering in what we do!
Glenn, Caryl, cowgirls and cowboys at Alderspring.
We’ve been crafting our pastured protein here in Idaho’s Rocky Mountains for nearly 30 years and delivering it direct to our partners for nearly as long. This is wild wellness, delivered from our ranch to your door.
Your partnership in Alderspring helps us maintain what is unique in today’s agricultural world; Alderspring is a Carbon NEGATIVE and Climate POSITIVE operation. We ran the numbers, and our cows help us capture more carbon in the ground each year on our irrigated pastures than we release!

I love your story and what your family is doing! We are doing similar things on a much much smaller scale in southeast Indiana! My question is what and where do you get the easy role up electric fencing and posts that you use. We use wire and it always get bent, wadded and unuseable. But I watched how fast you can put up and take down your fencing and wow that would be nice! Sure would like to get out there and see first hand all the great thing s you are doing sometime!
Great to hear from you. I guess to us, size matters not! What does matter is that people are creating connectivity with the soil, the land and the animals. It could be in just your backyard. Nature just changes us.