Dear Friends and Partners,
Welcome to Alderspring’s weekend edition newsletter! Thank you for partnering in what we do!
Below you can find beef discounts, Glenn’s weekly story, and lots of photos from the ranch this week!
This Week’s Story: “Beaver as Teacher”
Also, 10% off the ENTIRE STORE…and your last chance to order before the 4th of July!
Scroll down for Glenn’s weekly story and updates from the ranch this week!
this week: 10% off everything
Remember, only you newsletter readers have access to these discounts!
This is your LAST CHANCE to order before the 4th of July! Next shipping day is June 26th! Get your order in by Sunday the 18th at midnight to have it shipped the next day.
Also! We won’t be shipping during the 4th of July week because of the UPS holiday. June 26th is our last shipping day until July 10!
THIS WEEKEND ONLY: 10% OFF THE ENTIRE STORE (we almost never do a storewide discount like this!)
This is 10% off on EVERYTHING, including…
- Steaks and burgers for those 4th of July grill parties!
- All bulk bundles…these are already discounted off our normal rates, and this week you can snag an extra 10% off on top of that!
- Sausages, Wild Cow beef sticks, and more.

If you have any questions, observations, or comments, just send Kelsey an email at help[at]alderspring[dot]com.
This week on the ranch…
Come along virtually to see what we’ve been up to this past week on the ranch! We put this photo series in so that you can see exactly how & where we raise your beef.

Linnaea took this shot a few days ago of the herd of Alderspring beeves spread out over a hillside meadow on the range. Those of you who have followed us for a long time know that our beef cattle spend the summer on these mountain pastures, herded by a crew of riders who live up in cow camp with them and bring them to grass each day. Here, the crew has the cattle nicely set for an afternoon graze. The cattle instantly put their heads down, enjoying a diversity of native forage. They may have been too busy grazing to appreciate the view…but the riding crew certainly didn’t mind spending a few hours up here looking at those mountains!

Daughter Maddy is there in the foreground on her mare Ruby, with ranch hand Wesley on the left behind her and Glenn on the right. Daughter Maddy, 18, and Wesley, 19, are both “crew bosses” on the range this summer, responsible for leading the crew and guiding the cattle to good grass. Here, Glenn is riding with them for the afternoon, and they’re taking the opportunity to ask some questions and learn what they can from him. There’s a lot of nuance and complexity to working with animals and stewarding this landscape. Whether you’ve been riding out here for years like Glenn or are just beginning to scratch the surface, we never really stop learning from land and animals out here.

That’s range rider Brittany, back for her third summer of riding the range. She first came to us through our internship in 2021…and we’ve hired her back on for the past two years! Here Brittany is mounted on the sweet little mare Jimmie.

The crew is back in cow camp for the afternoon! During the heat of the day, we take the cattle down to get a drink at the stock tanks in camp. They lay down to chew the cud and nap, and we unsaddle and take a seat to have our own lunches. Here, Linnaea has a fresh package of Alderspring summer sausage to pass around to the crew!

The riding crew, Webb, Wesley, and Rachel, are pointing the herd back towards camp after an evening of grazing.

And it’s night time in cow camp. The herd is settled and sleeping, the horses are out grazing, and now as darkness falls the crew is making dinner in the cook tent.

Many people see the semi-desert landscape we herd cattle in and think it boring and brown. But we see a wild diversity and beauty out there…including a stunning display of wildflowers this year.
Want to follow along more day-to-day? Find us on Instagram and Facebook.
Quote of the Week
“When I hear somebody talk about a horse or cow being stupid; I figure it’s a sure sign that the animal has somehow outfoxed them.”
-Tom Dorrance, True Unity: Willing Communication Between Horse & Human

This week’s story: “Beaver as Teacher”
It was camp move day yesterday. All hands were on deck to gather up tents, tanks and materiel and move to Larkspur Springs, one mountain ridge away and about 10 miles by torturous straight up and down jeep trails. I can’t call them roads. There are places where sky is the only thing visible through the windshield because the track goes straight up a rocky ridge. Next, the truck windshield flashes by horizon for a brief minute and points straight at a canyon bottom, no sky in sight.
Then, the trail will take the look of a tunnel through seemingly impenetrable brush and trees along a beaver swamped creek bottom. Then, back up into high desert.
It’s the beavers that got my attention. They’ve been busy this spring. I’m spotting new water impoundments along creeks in new places I’ve not yet seen them taking up residence. It’s not yet a beaver storm, but I’m hoping it will be.
It’s because they are the game changers in the American Outback. They deliver habitat on steroids, capture carbon, re-establish fish, sage-grouse and songbirds. They are known to ecologists as a keystone species because they can singlehandedly create what is known as a “trophic cascade” of life forms that segway on to the reservoirs, saturated soils and coppice farming of clonal woody species like aspen and willow.
In essence, they deliver an explosion of life.
And they teach us. This week’s newsletter is about just that, and one of many lessons we have learned from none other than a long-toothed rodent.
Happy Trails.
Read the story on our blog by clicking below!
And that’s it for this week!
Thanks again for partnering in what we do!
Glenn, Caryl, cowgirls and cowboys at Alderspring.

We’ve been crafting our pastured protein here in Idaho’s Rocky Mountains for nearly 30 years and delivering it direct to our partners for nearly as long. This is wild wellness, delivered from our ranch to your door.
Your partnership with alderspring directly supports our mission to improve soil health, wildlife habitat, and animal and human wellness through regenerative ranching practices.
Here’s what we’ve accomplished with your help & support in just the last 12 years!

More information about our regenerative practices and outcomes can be found at the button below.
I have just read your beaver story, and it brings back, fond memories of hiking in the Adirondack mountains, and coming across an active beaver colony. We were thrilled! This is a wonderful childhood experience/memory.
So needless to say, I’m very inspired and relieved to hear your stories of land improvement/regeneration! It warms my heart bc for years I’ve worried about this planet!
My health journey these last seven years has been some of the hardest time of my life. I had to retire earlier than I had hoped from a job that I loved but didn’t earn a lot of money, but at least I have a small pension. My health is, thank God, improving, along with improving brain processes. I don’t know which was more important to me, the ability to think, and survive, or the physical aspect of being able to do the work necessary to survive. Therefore, I am on a limited/considered low income budget, but I will continue to order from you as long as I can! I’m very thankful for the delicious meat, as well as your care and conscientiousness with the land as well as your family and animals!
Thank you for sharing your caring, knowledge, and experiences!
Kindest regards,
Lisa Hudson
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for reading and for partnering with us by ordering our beef. We hope you are able to continue enjoying it!