Dow Meets the Cow; Sirloin Tip Kabobs, Shoulder Tenders, Ground Chuck, Bratwurst Sausage!
Dear Friends and Partners,
Welcome to Alderspring’s weekend edition newsletter!
In this letter is Glenn’s weekly story, a suite of pics about work on the ranch this week, and an update on this week’s featured cuts!
Want to follow along more day-to-day? Find us on Instagram and Facebook.
And, as always, if you have any questions, observations, or comments, just shoot us an email to Kelsey at help[at]alderspring[dot]com.
Next shipping day is January 17!
Place your order by Sunday at midnight on the 16th to get it shipped on the 17th!
Looking for this week’s featured cuts? Head to the page below. Scroll on down for Glenn’s story and other newsletter stuff!
This week’s deals include sirloin tip kabobs, shoulder tender steaks, ground chuck, and bratwurst sausages! 3Fs also just restocked!

This Week on the Ranch
When you have 55 miles of fence on the ranch, winter is time to catch up. That means every free block of time is tied up in fence fixing…or fence construction. Hot wires lose their conductivity in frozen ground, so it means you need to rely on the hard fence.

Wood timbers and barbed wire can be pure pleasure in the cold. It’s hard work, so provided you’re layered up, you’ll keep warm. Technology helps a little with lithium powered impact drivers that can send a 10 inch by 3/8 spike home with a wine into two poles over 12 inches thick.
The result? Even twenty-two hundred pounds of bull power would have a hard time tipping that fence over, let alone breaking it. The rails we use wouldn’t quite be classified as simply rails.
Most folks would call them logs.
Pleasure? Yes. Especially when you can look back…and say, “I did that.”
In this day and age of tech and labor saving, there’s still a beauty, a pleasure in running a pitch fork, or laying hay down by hand. Splitting firewood, or flattening a log face for nailing with a razor sharp double bit axe.
I’m grateful we get to do it.

Quote of the Week
“A farmer has to be an optimist, or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.”
―Will Rogers

This Week’s Story From the Ranch: Dow Meets the Cow
“You mean you’re certified organic, both on the cattle and the grass?” Former Wall Street Investment Banker was incredulous. “What the heck for?”
“The consumer wants the whole picture. They want to know for certain that their food is clean—and for cattle, that’s from birth to finish. That means free of chemicals of any kind,” I told him.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” He sighed into the phone. I imagined him reclining at his sprawling solid English walnut desk, leaned back in his calfskin leather office armchair, looking out through the massive custom low-e thermopane bay windows of his office, surveying his broad retirement estate behind him. Hundreds of Angus cattle speckled the lush meadows…all his. Verdant timbered mountains rose all around the beautiful spread high in the still-snowy Wyoming Rockies, completing the idyllic vision that was now his reality.
After the hustle of lower Manhattan, retirement quite bored him, honestly. And so, he had taken a mere slice of his investment income and tied it up in the acquisition of some beautiful mountain ranchland on which to raise grass fed beef. It would be fun, he told his friends. And it had to be easy. What could go wrong? He hired a team to help him with his hobby—cattle raising, pasture management, marketing. He envisioned it, and they performed it.
Click below to read the rest on our blog!

Featured Weekly Cuts
A quick summary of this week’s deals:
(As always, only you newsletter readers have access to these discounts)
First, the secret info just for you newsletter readers (we don’t update anyone else on restockings on these…)
This week (until January 16th at midnight MST) you can get 10% off on the following cuts:
- Sirloin tip kabobs 10% off. We love stir-frying these lovely steak pieces!
- Shoulder tender steaks 10% off!
- Flavorful ground chuck also 10 off.
- Lovely bratwurst sausages.
Lamb, Pork, Chicken, still in too!
3Fs also in stock!

And that’s it for this week!
Thanks again for partnering in what we do!
Glenn, Caryl, cowgirls and cowboys at Alderspring.
We’ve been crafting our pastured protein here in Idaho’s Rocky Mountains for nearly 30 years and delivering it direct to our partners for nearly as long. This is wild wellness, delivered from our ranch to your door.
Your partnership in Alderspring helps us maintain what is unique in today’s agricultural world; Alderspring is a Carbon NEGATIVE and Climate POSITIVE operation. We ran the numbers, and our cows help us capture more carbon in the ground each year on our irrigated pastures than we release!
Good morning,
Do you sell whole beef or just selections? If you do can we pick it up
Or does it have to be shipped?
Thank you in advance for your response
Hi Alicia, we just sell selections…the largest portion we do is we occasionally sell as 1/8th beeves, and sometimes as 1/16ths (we have 16ths coming up soon).
You can pick it up for free if you’re local! Local pickup or local delivery options will pop up at checkout on our store when you enter a local shipping address.
Thanks so much!