Since offering our free course on How to Start Selling & Shipping Your Product in 5 Days, in which we covered how to build an online storefront, how to purchase shipping materials, and how to set up your product offerings and start shipping direct to your customers.
After the course, we got a lot of questions about how to start marketing your online farm or ranch business. Marketing wasn’t really the focus of our “Shipping in 5 Days” course…instead, we wanted to give farmers and ranchers a model to quickly move their business online. However, due to all the demand for a marketing course as well, we’ve decided to launch an email series sharing some marketing tools and strategies for online selling.
How do you join the course?
It’s simple! Just subscribe below and you’ll be automatically signed up for our marketing series! You’ll receive each article by email, and in each we’ll attack a different part of online marketing and how you can use it in your strategy.

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