When Muskrat Helped Beaver
When I lifted the beaver, his weight completely surprised me. He looked like he should weigh about 20lbs, but in the pet carrier, he felt about the size of an overgrown muskrat: maybe 8 pounds. I realized his thick coat, which made him look much larger than his weight, must be mostly insulating air space.…
When the Brand Returns ‘Em
I looked at the clock. 3:23 AM. It was time to turn in, especially since I got up at 2:45 AM. The day before. Occasionally nature gangs up on us and we have interminably long days. There’s just so much to do; first, we have the day-to-day, and then, the big jobs—and then, the weather throws…
The Day Tumbo Cried
Dear Friends,We have sheep. This is our 6th year. This past week, Abby and Ethan closed a deal on 200 more. It looks like sheep are set to be in the future of Alderspring. There are jobs for them to do; the war on weeds is real; sheep like them. In addition, they are complementary…