Our two female Great Pyrenees guard dogs (and family friends) recently had a total of 21 puppies! These purebred Pyrenees are wonderful dogs, serving well as guardians of both young animals and young children. We will be selling these puppies through a new website our oldest daughter put together: IdahoPyrenees.com
Denyse LaBarbera
I so enjoy your web-site! I have a pet treat company, newly formed w/a web-site under construction, and find yours to be my “model”. The beauty and truthfulness of it is a refreshing breeze in a stormy world of products with half-truths and inaccuracies. My husband, Angelo and I are hoping to put together, w/our adult children, an order for beef. We are very much in to foods which carry an organic registration.
We recently bought grass hay from Alderspring Ranch and Josiah delivered it. What a super young man! Ange just made a call today to the Ranch for another load of the grass hay-our 2 Morgans and 2 Mustangs love it!
Thank you so very much,
Angelo and Denyse LaBarbera