March 27, 2015
So much for springtime in the Rockies!  The warmish weather that grew some green grass evaporated, and we were sorting beeves 2 days ago in a pelletized blizzard.  Cowboy Josh forgot his hat, and his crewcut wasn’t doing much good from keeping his head out of the snowblaster.  I guess he thought that the brilliant sunshine and heat he was feeling earlier in the day would stay, but the ground frosted white with snow by yesterday morning.  Today, two days later, it is nearly T-shirt weather.  Change is the word for mountain weather.  As the saying goes, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait 10 minutes.”  At 5300ft, heat can be fleeting.  But spring work rolls on”¦we get horses ready for the range, pastures harrowed, and fences mended.
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