I’ve already written about the ending of winter calving on Alderspring in previous posts. We calve now through June or July, as the wild animals do (these few calves we’re having right now are the result of a neighbor’s amorous bull). We’ve either never participated in or entirely dropped all antibiotic and hormone programs. We use no pour-ons for flies or internal parasites. We use no fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides. If I was to enter and describe all the things that we no longer practice that the bovine agriculture establishment does, it would likely take several of these blogposts. It’s a lot more than just certified organic and grass fed, and way beyond (which is why the term “beyond organic” kind of irritates me”¦because it usually is not true). We’ve found we can drop all these things and the animals not only survive (which some of my neighbors find surprising), they actually thrive.
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