I had a recent call from a customer of ours from Alaska. They used to live in the lower 48 and regularly purchased our beef. But the shipping to the 49th state is indeed a killer so, trying to save some $, they bought grass fed from a local producer. They found it to taste awful (I think “putrid” was the word she used- yikes). We’ve heard from many customers that there is a lot of bad grass fed beef out there. Any producer can hang up their grass fed sign—without any knowledge of how to make grass fed good. It took us 20 years of testing to get our still-tweaking protocol down; we could write a book, because there was and is no volume about how to make grass fed great”¦every time.
We gave a talk about this very thing at the Idaho Sustainable Ag Conference last month. We digested it into blog form so that our partners in our ranch (that’s you) can have some understanding of what it takes to grow our handcrafted beef. Check out my blogpost here!
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