Dear Friends and Partners As I look out my office window, dawn creeps into the valley for yet another grayish day. There is an undulating cloud ceiling above the ranch, and the mountain summits are lost in the mist. This is the day that the beeves leave the ranch for the high Hat Creek ranges. We …
New Package: The Keto Excursion, Snack Stick Flash, Sausage and Bratwurst, Ground Beef Sale Continues
Welcome to our weekly newsletter! We send this out every week, and it includes subscriber-only coupons (no one else has a link to this page). This Week: New Package: The Keto Excursion, Snack Stick Flash, Sausage and Bratwurst, Ground Beef Sale Continues Also, no shipping this Monday! UPS …
The Range of Hope
In the gathering darkness of last night, I looked over to the bunkhouse. Wood smoke curled from the stovepipe. It had been raining and blowing williwaw winds as the Alderspring crew worked in the meadows on fences and irrigation all afternoon, and we didn't get in from the wet meadows until nearly …
Painting the Prairie
Dear Friends and Partners. Lincoln, Montana. The west is defined by rivers; the ancient paths of Native Americans followed them as do many of our roads. Hamlets and towns like Lincoln now punctuate the cursive penmanship of river meanders. I've been following the serpentine flow of the Blackfoot …
How Tim Met Tenacity
On Alderspring, we've had nearly 60 seasonal and short term interns and employees over the years, and they come away with knowledge, skills and abilities to bring to their lives wherever they end up. But one of the best things they come equipped with is story: times they have prevailed over all odds …
From Spooks and Goblins to Sky Islands
From Spooks and Goblins to Sky Islands In the deeply incised canyons and cliffs of the upper Hat Creek country was pasted a tiny ranch. It rested at the foot of one bottomless fold simply called South Gulch. I never figured out why it was named thus, for it was on the north side of Hat Creek …
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