The cows were dying; of that I was certain. All of them. As I stood in the low angle sunlight of this February morning, they huddled around me, silently. I could see their slack bellies and ribcages in the early morning light. The windrow of lovely and fragrant green alfalfa hay that I laid down the …
Water Wars and Cat Justice
Cats can be the agents of quiet revenge. Perhaps poetic justice is more appropriate. Either way, it began when the late model white Lincoln Town Car Signature Series slowly cruised up our potholed ranch lane after crossing the bridge over the swollen snowmelt torrent of Agency Creek. It had been …
Prairie Women
There's one place that has always struck me in this unrelentingly desolate piece of real estate. I found a spot to camp there one summer night just off the highway where I pulled pickup and stock trailer off of the pavement onto a lonely road that stretched across the desert. I'd been going nearly …
Finding Their Way Home
Without a word, the bush guide, Jack, gestured to us to come with him to the dust-crusted large side window of our packed gear van. He reached up, torn flannel plaid sleeve waving, and his grease impregnated index finger began to etch a jagged line that would span the glass. The line in the dirt: a …
Full Curl Ramming on Highway 93
Dear Friends, Today, as I cruised through the umpteenth curve on US Highway 93 between Challis and Salmon, Idaho, I saw border collie Clyde's ears perk up. He saw them before I did; as I started braking, a line of about thirty-five bighorn sheep were single-filing across the highway in front of …
On the “Ins and Outs” of Grassfed Organic Beef
I like to look at manure. Really. In the humble cow pie is the stuff of story: who, what, when and where. Some would say that I know my manure. Now, I know there are other ways to say "I know my manure" that perhaps slide off the tongue a little more colorfully, but regardless, manure is something …
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