I have been seeing the phrase "Beyond Organic" and similar phrases more frequently lately while browsing cyberspace to see what other grass fed producers have been doing. What does it mean? Absolutely anything. Or nothing. Let's start with the word "beyond".  Defined by the dictionary it …
Why Alderspring Cows Aren’t Mad
I mean as in Mad Cow Disease. Not anger. We don't see anger much in Alderspring beeves except like this spring when E69 rolled Ethan across the field when he tried to put an ID tag on her newborn baby. It surprised him a little because she was ancient in terms of cows. She is around 17 years old, …
So You Wanna Be A Rancher?
As I was standing on the back of the hay wagon today, forking off 2 tons of hay to the mama cows and their calves, I happened to look up at May Mountain. It looked like Mount Everest. Granted, May's 11,000 some feet are a pittance compared to Everest's 29,000, but it looked just as …
Great Pyrenees Puppies at Alderspring
Our two female Great Pyrenees guard dogs (and family friends) recently had a total of 21 puppies! These purebred Pyrenees are wonderful dogs, serving well as guardians of both young animals and young children. We will be selling these puppies through a new website our oldest daughter put …
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Old Goats and New Kids
Alderspring Ranch has been home to goats for quite while, ever since Dad decided that goat milk would be a good thing to add to our diet. We went to look at two black Nubian goats and after we were hauling them back in the trailer, my sister and I began to negotiate with Dad about buying them so …