What you read is what you get?? Beware of misleading labels. We'll be forthright. The blatant dishonesty by some in the beef business really makes us angry. Usually, the promotional materials are technically true, but are misleading, and take advantage of the consumer's confusion or lack of …
Grassfed and Omega 3
OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS What does grass fed beef and fish have in common? Both are an excellent source of an essential fatty acid, omega-3, that is in short supply in the modern American diet. There are two types of essential fatty acids (EFA) that are critical for human health and which cannot …
Another Canadian Cow with Mad Cow: Does Anybody Care?
Today's announcement of another mad cow in Canada was apparently met with a total yawn by the American press. While the press release, Canadian Food Inspection Agency - News Release - BSE Case Confirmed in British Columbia was picked up by several Canadian outlets (as well as an Australian one), …
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A Lot at Steak: Quality is Everything
I really like eating steak. But eating the one I did the other night was really difficult. Fact is, I even lost some sleep on it and not because of indigestion"¦ You know, one really cool advantage to being in the beef business is that there is always beef to eat, and if you are a beef lover …
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Beef Imports and Country of Origin Labels
Did you know that the USDA stamp you see on meat in your grocery store does not necessarily mean the animal was grown in the U.S? Did you know the U.S. imports more beef than it exports? Did you know that most of the hamburger available to you on your grocery counter contains meat from …
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Dry Aging Overview
Alderspring Beef is dry aged for 20 days in the Old World way, producing beef with a firm yet tender texture and a deep, rich wonderful flavor. Today you can't buy a dry aged beef in your local grocery store, but even as recently as 20 years ago, you could go to your local butcher and buy a prime …