Dear Friends and Partners I took slow and deliberate steps up through the powdery deep snow, while trying not to crack the brush. I was exhausted. It was all I could do to maintain silence in the thick rosebriars, bright in the moonlight. I checked my watch by that same light: 2:24 AM. It was my …
The Soul of Soil
Dear Friends and Partners This in my minds eye: Bison. Thousands of them. They form a sort of brownish-black sea around me. The wave, or current of them parts around me slowly as they graze—a river in slow motion-- giving me an apprehensive look with their one-sided brown eye. Like a whale, their …
Wanderlust in the Woods
"Yaa HOE Ya HOE!" The last "Hoe" really rang and echoed through the wide open old-growth and open understoried forests of the Northern Appalachians. It carried and wound its way through rhododendron-filled bottoms and over mountain laurel cloaked hillsides, both intoxicatingly fragrant with a riot …
Close Encounters of the Salmon River Kind
The bizarre and unexpected sometimes show up in our headlights as we track through the Idaho wilderness night on twisty 2 lane highways. Linnaea, alone in her Outback, was carefully traversing the loneliness of highway 21 at 1 AM on a midwinter night a few years back. Idaho 21 is the only road …
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From Hot Dish to Hat Creek
Dear Friends and Partners It was 1985, and it was raining. Hard. And spitting snow. Kneeling in the muck on a slope so steep that as I knelt, my feet began to lose purchase on the ground and I quickly reached into my near-frozen bag of trees for a Douglas-fir seedling. I put aside my hoedad, the …
Wolves and Wide Spaces
Dear Friends This morning I got a phone call from one of my neighbors down the valley. "Glenn, this is Tom. Just wanted to give you a holler on the phone 'cause apparently you got a cow way up Hat Creek. She's just had a baby, and there are a pack of wolves within a mile or so of her." "Who …