News from Alderspring Ranch, with an occasional rant about American agriculture
Working Ranch
Daughter Abby and son-in-law Ethan trail the cattle back from the range.
Anthony, Linnaea, Madelyn, and Melanie stop long enough for a photo.
Cowgirl Linnaea is smiling because the trek up to Larkspur springs cow camp is complete!”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹
Jeremiah, second from right on the paint mare Roxy. By the end of last summer,
they had reached a mutual understanding.
Glenn on Ginger leading Natty, our main pack horse. We ride her too, but due to some attitude problems most riders prefer other mounts.
Glenn on Ginger.
All of the staff learn tools to monitor our rangelands. Here daughter Abby and son-in-law Ethan are recording the percentage of grass grazed by our cattle. Locations are documented with hand-held GPS units,
With the snow getting deeper and a little time on our hands, we decided today was a good day to put the team to work. We’ll used them through the late winter and into spring. The horses don’t get stuck as the snow gets heavier in the warmer days, and they don’t make ruts in the fields after the snow melts and the ground starts to thaw. Even better, working with the gentle giants is something we all enjoy here on the ranch.
Now I’m realizing I’m the “old guy” and I’m running out of time to put into these young people what I love and know. I think that’s what Lloyd knew too.